The Princess Bride

I've been wanting to do this for quite some time, but I wanted to re-read the novel, first. Many times, what comes to the screen is a much more simplified and straightforward character definition than you get from reading the book.

Not in this case. For this one, the book is even clearer than the movie. I found that the mind, body, and spirit characters in the movie had more depth than in the book, especially Fezzik.

The Body Character: Fezzik (Andre the Giant)

Fezzik is a giant. In the movie, he is portrayed by Andre the Giant (Read the intro to the 25th Anniversary Edition to learn more about Andre's selection for the part and his work in bringing it brilliantly to the screen. As Goldman himself said, Andre IS Fezzik). He is also a member of the Brute Squad, later in the story. Miracle Max threatens to call the Brute Squad to get the characters to leave his hut. Fezzik says, "I'm on the Brute Squad." Miracle Max looks him up and down, and then says, "You ARE the Brute Squad."

In the encounter with the Man in Black, Fezzik is instructed to kill the Man in Black 'his way,' which means Fezzik should crush in his skull with a huge rock. Fezzik has a little bit of spirit in him, though (which comes out more in the movie). He decides this method of attack is 'unsportsmanlike.' To make things more sportsmanlike, he challenges the Man in Black to a fight, with no weapons, where they try to kill each other with their bare hands, like civilized people.

The Mind Character: Westley (Cary Elwes)

Westley (aka Farmboy, aka the Man in Black, aka Dread Pirate Roberts) starts his part of the story in a very practical manner. Buttercup declares her undying love to him, so he runs away to earn some money and by a house so they can live happily ever after. Immediately. No long goodbye, no passionate kiss, no heartfelt poetry. Just, 'That's nice, and if that's how you really feel, I guess I'd better go." (paraphrase).

When Westley was alone with Buttercup in the Fire Swamp, it was Westley's intelligence and forethought that saved them and brought them safely to the other side (only to be captured by Rugen).

After Westley dies (mostly), Inigo goes searching for him so Westley can come up with the plan to storm the castle, kill the evil Count Rugen, and save Buttercup. Inigo and Fezzik had been traveling with Vizzinni, a corrupt mind character, but Westley killed Vizzinni in a battle of wits - to the death. Inigo and Fezzik wandered aimlessly for awhile until they found Westley's body and had him miracled back to life.

The Spirit Character: Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin)

Inigo Montoya is a gifted fencer, one of the best in the world. He knows all the attacks and all the defenses ever devised, but all that knowledge is nothing without passion. It was the passion of searching for the six-fingered man (Count Rugen), who killed his father right before his eyes that drove Inigo to become such a great fencer in the first place.

When Vizzinni dies, Inigo has no direction and no goal to be passionate about. He believes the six-fingered man is lost and his whole life has been a waste, so he goes to the local tavern and drinks a lot of brandy. When he discovers the six-fingered man was right under his nose all along, he sobers up, with Fezzik's help, and brings Westley back to life, with the  help of Miracle Max, so they can finish the chase.

Finally, Inigo gets to deliver the line he'd been rehearsing since his father, Domingo Montoya, was slaughtered by the six-fingered man: "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
