Stargate SG-1 (Societies, Part I)

A while back, I introduced the concept of mind, body, and spirit societies. I illustrated the concept in my discussion of the book, Divergent, by Veronica Roth, and in the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

The TV series, Stargate SG-1, contains three separate "uber-races" of aliens the team from Earth encounter at various times throughout the series. These three races make up a complete mind, body, and spirit set.

The Mind Race: The Nox

The Nox appear to be a very primitive race when the team first meets them. They even seem to have difficulty with basic communication. Within the span of a brief conversation, however, the Nox pick up the language and patterns of communication the team is using and are able to communicate quite easily.

The Nox use the power of the mind for everything from healing their sick to escaping detection by unwanted intruders. They can even resurrect someone who has died under the right  conditions. To the Nox, humans are a "young" race, and they consistently believe humans are not ready for advanced technology and power.

The Spirit Race: The Ancients

The Ancients are the builders of the Stargate system and are a highly advanced race. Long ago, they discovered how to "ascend" and live as energy on a higher plane of existence. In that respect, they are literally a "spirit" race.

One of the most sacred rules of the Ancients is that no ascended being can interfere in the lower planes. In that respect, their rules are similar to the Nox, but unlike the Nox, the Ancients routinely violate this rule. Those who do interfere in the "human" plane of existence usually do so because of some emotional drive. For example, an Ancient named Orlan interferes with the human plane, twice, because of the love he feels for Samantha Carter.

The Body Race: The Asgard

The Asgard are the only race actively working and sharing technology with humanity. They are the only of the three races who fight against their enemies with weapons and ships. They enforce their treaties with military might, when necessary.

When an Asgard's physical form deteriorates, he transfers his consciousness to a new cloned version of himself. When the Asgard are no longer able to sustain their  physical forms, they transfer all their collective knowledge and technology to the humans from Earth and destroy what remains of their presence. Of the three races, the Asgard are the only ones who can truly "die."
