Divergent - Spirit

Spoiler Alert: I will be analyzing Veronica Roth’s Divergent in this post, and I may include spoiler information. If you have not read the book, please read it first – it’s worth the time.

Tris, the protagonist in the story, chooses Dauntless, one of the body factions, but she is born into Abnegation, a spirit faction. One of the themes is Tris's discovery that being dauntless and being selfless are nearly one in the same, and that Dauntless was the correct choice for her because of her Abnegation origin. 

The Spirit Society (I): The Abnegation Faction

The founders of Abnegation believed selfishness and self-gratification led to the downfall of their society, so they dedicated their lives to self-denial. Abnegation was considered incorruptible at its founding, so its members were chosen as the leaders for the entire society. No one in Abnegation would ever be susceptible to bribery or influence. They place themselves below all others - even the Factionless.

Self-denial is a belief in 'omission.' Abnegation all wear the same bland clothing, and have the same hair styles. They refuse to do anything that would put themselves 'above' anyone else. They offer assistance when needed and always yield to others in social situations (i.e. taking the stairs rather than the elevator), but they don't build others up, either.

The Spirit Society (II): The Amity Faction

The founders of Amity believed aggression led to their society's downfall.  Rather than putting the emphasis on self-denial, though, their belief is based on 'commission.'  They are the counselors in the society, actively helping others and building them up. Abnegation places themselves lower than others, but Amity raises others up above themselves.

Little is revealed about Amity in Divergent, the first book in a trilogy, but it is the faction everyone runs to when war breaks out between Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. It should (and does) play a much larger role in the second book, Insurgent.

The Spirit Character: Andrew Prior

Andrew is Tris's father and leader of the Abnegation faction. His character is defined in his actions within the faction but is tested later when he, Tris, and Tris's brother, Caleb, infiltrate the Dauntless compound. (SPOILER) - Ultimately, he commits the ultimate act of selflessness, sacrificing his own life so Tris could go on and interrupt the war in which Abnegation is being eradicated by Dauntless soldiers under Erudite mind control.
