
(Note: This post was originally written in July 2012)

I'm a writer, which means, almost by definition, I have no money. As a result, I don't often get the chance to see new movies in the theaters. Yesterday, though, I had the opportunity to see Disney's new movie, "Brave," so I decided to review the heart, mind, and body characters. I can be general enough that I don't give anything away, so you won't have to worry about spoilers.

Spirit Character: Merida (Kelly Macdonald)

Merida is the princess who is about to be betrothed but who would rather live her own life. Her biggest wish is to have the freedom to make her own choices, and her happiest days are those when she doesn't have to follow the rules. She finds a Will O' the Wisp that leads her to a place where she gets a magical spell to change her fate and is the only primary character who uses magic. She uses a bow and is highly proficient (in fantasy, the bow is often associated with the spirit character).

Mind Character: Elinor (Emma Thompson)

Elinor is the queen and Merida's mother. Her life revolves around doing what is right and  following the rules of decorum, even when it doesn't serve the situation. She doesn't believe legends are true, but she believes they teach valuable lessons. She says, "Legends are lessons; they ring with truth." She is also constantly reminding Merida of the things a young lady or a princess should or shouldn't do. When the visiting clans begin fighting, she is the one who breaks things up and restores order, and she does it while maintaining a level head.

Body Character: Fergus (Billy Connolly)

Fergus is the king and is by far the largest character in the movie. At dinner, he has more food on his plate than the rest of the table combined. He lost his leg to a bear and walks with the aid of a peg but is still a very capable fighter. When the visiting clans start fighting, his instinct is to leap into the fray. When the suitors are competing in an archer tournament, Fergus jokes with Merida about their looks and abilities.

The three character types are often very clear in Disney movies, and I had been considering adding one to this blog. I'm glad I had the opportunity to do this one.
